Important Notice #1 :
Our HOA representative at Cardinal Management has changed - our new contact is Liesl Westhoff at
Important Notice #2 :
This website will soon be going away! Very soon. Also, we will cease using Constant Contact for blast email messages and will now use CINC as outlined below. Please sign up! .
Please be advised that the Board of Directors has authorized the transition to move the community website portal to CINC.
You will find instructions below on how to register and log into the new portal, CINC. Please be sure you take a moment to register to ensure you stay up to date on all important community information and documents once the transition is complete. Once your registration request has been submitted, Cardinal Management Group will review it for accuracy and upon approval, access will be granted. If you need assistance, please email the community support specialist, Liesl Westhoff at
You may access the CINC Resident Portal site by visiting or by going to the Cardinal Management website and selecting the tab labeled “Homeowner Portal” from the menu.
Cardinal Management Group also offers a Mobile App that will allow you to view/update account information, make online payments, view association documents, submit architectural requests and keep up to date with news in your community! Search “Cardinal MGMT” in the Apple or Google Store to download the app for your phone.
Registration for the website is required. CLICK HERE to register.
CLICK HERE for pre-recorded training videos on how to register.
For more information about CINC, please CLICK HERE.
Stay tuned for more updates and training videos listed HERE.
Frequently Asked Questions
Customer Support
Who do we contact if we have a question or need assistance?
Please send all CINC related questions to
Is there a Resident Directory available?
Yes, there are several directory options available. Owners can opt in or out for their information to be viewable by others. Owners will initially set these parameters when setting up their account; however, they can change it at any time.
The CINC portal provides the membership with yet another way of making their payments in addition to the existing offerings. For owners who are enrolled in direct debit/ACH with our office, nothing further is needed. There is no change to our account numbers. Also, eCheck and credit cards are the two options.
Many folks are using ApplePay, Google Wallet/Pay & PayPal. Will there be options for those methods?
These methods are not currently available; however, additional payment options are being explored.
Will people still get coupon books to make the assessment payments with?
Yes, there are no changes to banking relationships or coupon books.
Is there a service fee for using a credit card to make assessment payments?
Yes, as there has always been. There are no changes to the banking relationship or payment terms.
Can owners input their "renters" info if management does not have it?
If it is a requirement of the Association, owners can enter their info into the system or send the renter info to the Community Support Professional at Cardinal Management Group who will typically verify the information per the governing documents. Tenants/renters are able to register for the portal with limited visibility.